Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Cinnamon Ice Cream Cake

So I haven't done a blog post in 2 months! Fall is a busy time with little kids and then before we know it it's the Holidays (and there was a Hurricane in there somewhere). 

My Niece likes to cook for Thanksgiving and when I called my sister-in-law to see what I could bring, she said, "I just need you to bring one thing". At that moment I was thinking bread, sweet potatoes...some sort of side dish, so when she said, "A cinnamon ice cream cake" she might have been saying Peking Duck. Where was I going to get that?

The short of it is that I pulled from different recipes and made it myself. My test cake is below. The only thing I will do differently for Thursday is put it in a smaller springform pan so the crust is doubled, the ice cream layer is thicker and the frosting layer is thinner. Make the ice cream a day in advance so what you put in your ice cream maker is very cold...crust can be made and frozen while ice cream is churning. Then freeze cake for at least 6 hours before adding the frosting.

On a side note, the frosting is simply the best frosting I have ever tasted. It froze beautifully without creating a buttery wax feel in your mouth when you take a bite. It can be used for anything that takes frosting...cupcakes, cake, spoon...


Cinnamon Ice Cream

1 cup white sugar

1 1/2 cups half-and-half cream
2 eggs, beaten
1 cup heavy cream
teaspoon vanilla extract
teaspoons ground cinnamon

In a saucepan over medium-low heat, stir together the sugar and half-and-half. When the mixture begins to simmer, remove from heat, and whisk half of the mixture into the eggs. Whisk quickly so that the eggs do not scramble. Pour the egg mixture back into the saucepan, and stir in the heavy cream. Continue cooking over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture is thick enough to coat the back of a metal spoon. Remove from heat, and whisk in vanilla and cinnamon. Set aside to cool.

Pour cooled mixture into an ice cream maker, and freeze according to the manufacturer's instructions.

  • Graham Cracker Crust
  • 3/4 cup graham cracker crumbs (from about 7 crackers)
    3/4 cup pecans, finely ground
    2 tablespoons sugar
    3 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
    • Stir the graham cracker crumbs, pecans, sugar and butter in a bowl until combined. Press the crumb mixture into the bottom of a 7-inch springform pan. Freeze until firm, about 15 minutes.
  • Frosting
    I'm sending you directly to the link for the blog where I found the recipe. I think seeing the step by step pictures is the way to go. Click HERE.